Ny gruppe Falash Mura til Israel
Dette er Israels sæd – menn, kvinner og barn – som for øyeblikket lever under de verste kår. Dette handler virkelig om en kompleks humanitær krise. Vi må forhindre at flere flyktningleirer blir dannet i Etiopia, sa statsminister Benjamin Netanyahu søndag 14. november.
Han opplyste til nasjonalforsamlingen Knesset at 600 falashmurajøder vender hjem i 2011, mens 200 blir sendt hjem hver måned de neste tre årene.
– Det er en moralsk forpliktelse for det israelske folk å finne en løsning, uttalte statsministeren.
Minister for regional utvikling, Silvan Shalom, uttrykte imidlertid sin misnøye med planene da han talte for Knesset. Han mener at å frakte 200 personer i måneden ikke er tilfredsstillende nok.
– Dette er en skandale som må bli stanset. Vi burde bringe 1.000 falashmurajøder til Israel hver måned og skape en slutt på denne sagaen hvor tusenvis av mennesker lever under fryktelige forhold, sa Shalom.
Forfatter: Kenneth O. Bakken, Miff.no
Melding fra Jewish Agency
I am pleased to inform you that it is anticipated that the government of Israel will approve the proposal of assuring the completion of the Aliyah from Ethiopia. This proposal was initiated by Eli Cohen on behalf of the Jewish Agency.
This operation will assure that the remaining 8,700 Ethiopians seeking to make Aliyah will have their Aliyah eligibility checked and those who are eligible will arrive in Israel within the next three years. It is anticipated that approximately 2,500 Olim will arrive annually.
Main points of the decision:
1. The Jewish Agency will replace NACOEJ in Ethiopia.
2. The Jewish Agency will continue to provide services to the community and prepare the Olim for Aliyah to Israel.
3. The Government of Israel will check the eligibility of those on the waiting list within 9 months of the approval of the decision.
4. Preparing for life in Israel from all major aspects
5. 200 Olim will be brought to Israel each month.
The only program that will be run by the JDC is the medical clinic.
The cost of this project is $7,500,000 for three years ($2,500,000 per year) for the activities in Gondar.
Currently residing in our 16 Absorption Centers for Olim from Ethiopia 5,300 olim. Their average stay is approximately two years.
There will also be a need for a great deal of additional funding in Israel to assure that they receive the best possible services once they arrive in Israel. (The Yesodot- Foundations program, in particular, in order to be able to work with all the new arrivals).